advertising products
회사 프로필
  • 회사 이름: donghua industry co.,ltd
  • 회사 유형: Manufacturer ()
  • 위치: ,
  • 회사 규모 :
  • 등록 자본 : N/A
  • 등록 년 : 2003
  • 정보 확인 :
  • 보증금 : paid0.00$
  • 사업 범위 :   advertising products
  • 주요 산업 :    제조사 / 생산 서비스
 Established since 2003 in Shenzhen China. We have built good and long lasting business relationships with customers from the USA, Russia, South Africa , Germany & Canada.

We work closely with our customers to ensure that all our products exceed their requirements and we offer innovative designs / solutions to give our clients an edge in the market.

We manufacture bags in our own factory where we specialize in graphic design of logos and artwork and out-source other promotional items. We also own an electronics assembly facility which specializes in project management from design concept to mass production.

We are committed to providing high quality products and personalized service to all our clients, please contact us for further information about your next project.

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