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M-Tech Tokyo


Holding Time:2018-06-20 to 2018-06-22

공정한 위치 :Tokyo Big Sight 3-21-1 Ariake Kotu-ku, 135-0063 Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Fair Organizer:Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.

전시회 개요

M-Tech Tokyo is Japan's largest trade show for mechanical components and materials technology. It attracts companies from all over the world and a wide range of industries that have already entered the Japanese market or like to do so. Among visitors are technical experts from divisions like design engineering, production engineering, quality control, purchasing, research and others. M-Tech Tokyo is held in conjunction with Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo.

For the twenty-second time there is the M-Tech on 3 days from Wed., 20.06.2018 to Fri., 22.06.2018 in Tokyo.

연락처 정보

Tel:+ 81 (3) 33498501

Fax:+ 81 (3) 33498599

전시회 정보의 일부는 출판사와 네트워크를 통해 제공됩니다. 당사는 정보의 정확성과 신뢰성을 보장 할 수 없습니다. 문의 사항이 있으시면 언제든지 문의하십시오.

오늘의 박람회

박람회 예상

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