Holding Time:2018-03-28 to 2018-03-30
공정한 위치 :Tatmadaw Exhibition Hall U Wisara Rd, Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar
Fair Organizer:Veas Co., Ltd.
At the Rose Garden Hotel of Yangon the Myanmar Gar-Tex Expo takes place. In its capacity as the first international exhibition of an industry that is on the upswing in Myanmar and government-funded, the Gar-Tex Expo is aimed at attracting export-oriented entrepreneurs that want to benefit from this upswing entering new markets. A technical seminar and a Business Matching Programme complete the event making an important contribution as regards looking for new business partners, acquisition of know-how and the exchange of new ideas and information. The exhibition range includes fabrics, textile machines as well as clothing. The elegant Rose Garden Hotel is decorated in the traditional Myanmar style offering all the amenities of a modern five star hotel.
Visitors and exhibitors meet for the 2nd time on the Myanmar Gar – Tex on 3 days from Wed., 28.03.2018 to Fri., 30.03.2018 in Yangon.
Tel:+84 (8) 38427755
Fax:+84 (8) 39481188