Holding Time:2018-09-06 to 2018-09-09
공정한 위치 :Fair location*: MCH Messe Schweiz Wallisellenstr. 49, CH-8050 Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Fair Organizer:ZT Fachmessen AG
On the fair "Bauen & Modernisieren" in Zurich national and international exhibitors will present a comprehensive range of products and provide an important impetus for building in Switzerland. The fair is an ideal platform for contact for anyone planning a building or remodeling or needs innovative and trendy looks from the habitat, kitchen, bathroom, home automation, flooring and design. In addition, there are numerous special exhibitions and lectures.
The Bauen & Modernisieren will take place on 4 days from Thursday, 06. September to Sunday, 09. September 2018 in Zurich.
Tel:+41 (0)56 2042020
Fax:+41 (0)56 2042010