Advertising Clothes and provide high-qualified t-shirts in varieties of colors , textures and designs.


추천 제품

뜨거운 판매

제품을 추천하십시오

가게 소개

 Yiwu Soft Textile Trading Co., a professional and reliable manufacture of t-shirts with well-equipped facilities and powerful technical support. With 20 years experience in the producing household textile products, we are able to provide high-qualified t-shirts in varieties of colors ,  textures and designs. We will do our best to make your life more comfortable with our products. And we have abundant varieties of products to respond to different market demands. 


  • 회사 주소: Yiwu City Jiangdong Street Fan Village building 55
  • 담당자 : Jay
  • 전화 : 86-579-85456002
  • 이메일:
  • 웹 사이트 :

  • 스캔 QR 코드, 핸드폰에서 쉽게 탐색
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