Travel Bag, Sports Bag, Mummy Bag, Cooler Bag, Gym Bag
회사 프로필
  • 회사 이름: Xiamen Helen Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.
  • 회사 유형: Manufacturer ()
  • 위치: China,Fujian
  • 회사 규모 :
  • 등록 자본 : N/A
  • 등록 년 : 2005
  • 정보 확인 :
  • 보증금 : paid0.00$
  • 사업 범위 :   Travel Bag, Sports Bag, Mummy Bag, Cooler Bag, Gym Bag
  • 주요 산업 :    제조사 / 생산 서비스
 Xiamen Helen Industry & Trade Co., Ltd locates in Xiamen Special Economic Zone, with a factory covering 5700 square meter. There are around 200 experienced workers, including a six-person team in sampling department. Company started producing and exporting business since year of 2005. As an experienced manufacturer, we mainly focus on producing Backpack, Travel bag, Sports bag, Gym bag and Cooler bag and etc. Strict quality control, Fast sampling and delivery lead, plus strong development ability, makes Helen Industry ; Trade Co., Ltd enjoy a popularity fame in our customers ever since the establishment. As a professional bag supplier, we are willing to establish win-win cooperation with your honor company.
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