Sign boards Display Stands Other Printing Service


추천 제품

가게 소개

 Shanghai Uniso Print Co., Ltd located in Shanghai China . We main manufacture displays and sign boards. It is now a well-reputed company in domestic printing industry with strong skills in printing. We have passed ISO9001 and in order to improve the quality ,we have do SGS test for some products.
Uniso has an automatically screen printing machine which is the advanced machine in shanghai ,it can print 1200*2600mm automatically and the output of a day is 3000 square meters.Cus...[상세한]


  • 회사 주소: No. 581 Rd., HuaSong, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China
  • 담당자 :
  • 핸드폰 번호 : 86-021-57436040
  • 전화 : 86-021-57436040
  • 이메일:
  • 웹 사이트 :

  • 스캔 QR 코드, 핸드폰에서 쉽게 탐색
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