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Our advantages
 Treat Workers "Stupidly"
Blueprint is a warm family!All Blueprint workers's pursuit are "healthy,happiness,money, trust".we provide comfortable work environment and accommodation.Each room is equipped with computer and TV.We celebrate birthday for each workers.We have different activities every weekend.Employees have the opportunity to learn for self-improvement!
In short,Blueprint Will do best to treat workers "Stupidly"!
Control Ra...[상세한]


  • 회사 주소: Room 601,HuiTong Building 10th Longgang Road Pingnan Community Longgang Street Longgang District Shenzhen City
  • 담당자 :
  • 핸드폰 번호 : +86-752-3333767
  • 전화 : +86-752-3333767
  • 팩스.: +86-752-3067576
  • 이메일:
  • 웹 사이트 :

  • 스캔 QR 코드, 핸드폰에서 쉽게 탐색
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