Arts & Crafts, Bags, Cases & Boxes, Light Industry & Daily Use, Packaging & Printing, Textile

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가게 소개

 Using 15 Years of Experience to Complete Any Quantity Order Texsure PRO and Gift Co. Limited is a printing and sewing factory that has been specializing in premium items and gifts since 1998. We are expert in handling screen printing, sublimation and digital printing, allowing us to accept any quantity orders. Capable of Meeting Your Specific Requirements Our partner factories help us satisfy every special request and allow us to provide quick replies to each inquiry and ord...[상세한]


  • 회사 주소: Building 13# , Wuai, Yiwu city , Zhejiang, China 322000
  • 담당자 : Teng
  • 핸드폰 번호 : 15958929935
  • 전화 : 86-85456002
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  • 스캔 QR 코드, 핸드폰에서 쉽게 탐색
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