Holding Time:2018-09-11 to 2018-09-13
공정한 위치 :NEC National Exhibition Center West Midlands, B40 1NT Birmingham, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Fair Organizer:i2i Events Group
The Energy Event is an energy trade fair for companies in Birmingham. For the industry's decision-makers it serves as an information platform and as a perfect place for finding new business contacts. Here the professional visitors learn about strategies and technologies that can help them to reduce the energy costs of their companies, and to improve their energy supply. Current topics include, for example, the improvement of energy efficiency, the responsible use of energy and the reduction of energy consumption. The event will be accompanied by The Energy Awards. Here companies are awarded that can present particular success in reducing their emissions or increasing their energy efficiency.
The The Energy Event will take place on 3 days from Tuesday, 11. September to Thursday, 13. September 2018 in Birmingham.
Tel:+44 (0)20 77285000
Fax:+44 (0)20 77284200