Holding Time:2018-02-22 to 2018-02-25
공정한 위치 :MCH Messe Schweiz Wallisellenstr. 49, CH-8050 Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Fair Organizer:MCH Group AG
The Swiss-Moto in Zurich offers everything you could wish for bikers heart: the most important vehicle innovations of motorcycles, scooters and quad bikes, a huge selection of accessories and the most refined motorcycles. In addition, demonstrations and shows entertain the visitors.
On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 4 days of the fair, from 19. February to 22. February 2015, about 70519 visitors on the Swiss-Moto in Zurich.
The Swiss-Moto will take place on 4 days from Thursday, 22. February to Sunday, 25. February 2018 in Zurich.
Tel:+41 (0)58 2002020
Fax:+41 (0)58 2062182