Holding Time:2018-03-08 to 2018-03-08
공정한 위치 :Congress Centrum Neue Weimarhalle Unesco-Platz 1, 99423 Weimar, Thuringia, Germany
Fair Organizer:HR Business UG
The job fair in Weimar provides extensive information regarding career start, professional reorientation, as well as training and further education. The focus is on topics such as occupational training and direct job search. The event is an exchange platform for employers and employees as well as students, professional schools, high-school graduates and universities. It is aimed at bringing both sides together providing an enriching exchange about career opportunities. Whether merchants, workmen and nursing staff or engineers: the objective of our job fair is to demonstrate professionals willing to change, job seekers, job beginners as well as returnees comprehensive career paths in Weimar and its surroundings. At the same time mainly regional employers, institutions and educational establishments will have the opportunity to attract competent employees or students at the fair. Furthermore, experts in the field of career guidance provide valuable tips regarding design of the application documents. Informative lectures of the exhibitors complete the exhibition offer. People with migration background will also get extensive information about how to find a job in Germany. Thus, the job fair can serve as a career springboard in Germany for them.
The Jobmesse will take place on Thursday, 08. March 2018 in Weimar.
Tel:+49 (0)351 21249703
Fax:+49 (0)351 21249719