Holding Time:2018-05-31 to 2018-06-03
공정한 위치 :Staatspark Wilhelmsbad Parkpromenade, 63454 Hanau, Hesse, Germany
Fair Organizer:Evergreen GmbH & Co. KG
The Gartenfest in Hanau is an international sales and information exhibition around the topic garden. about 130 selected exhibitors present their most exclusive products and services in a magical atmosphere – the Kurpromenade Wilhelmsbad, with its late baroque buildings and magnificent arcades the most beautiful spa promenade of Hesse.
The Das Gartenfest will take place on 4 days from Thursday, 31. May to Sunday, 03. June 2018 in Hanau.
Tel:+49 (0)561 2075730
Fax:+49 (0)561 2075748